
Hi, my name is Susie. I am an interdisciplinary fine artist.

That is me with a koimo sweet potato. I am not a starving artist.

My work consists of soft sculptures and sewn drawings that document my personal experience as a Korean American woman. I am inspired by vignettes, poetry, minimalism, and folklore.

I make art because it allows me to talk about events from my life and process them (whether they are good or bad). I grew up facing a violence, racism, discrimination, and being fetishized from an early age. In society, we are compelled to talk about topics that make others feel comfortable. However, I grew up constantly feeling uncomfortable and scared (I still feel this way). Pleasantries do not help me grieve a loss, or understand the Korean American diaspora, but making art about my internalized experiences does. So, I invite you to take a look at the work, and please take your shoes off upon entering my site…

Thank you for visiting and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the work. Or if you want to share your work with me or just chat. If you enjoyed the work, or think that “ This isn’t art? I could make that.” That’s great! I have a “ How To” section which breaks down my art-making process. You can use it to also make art about your experiences. The process is a derived from my fine art and art therapy education experiences. I hope that making art will help you as much as it has helped me.